Update cart items count through ajax opencart
Kindly follow the below steps.
Go to catalog\view\theme\your_theme\template\common\header.tpl and put the below code where you want to display the items-count
<span class="cart-qty cart-total" id="item-count"><?php echo $this->cart->countProducts(); ?></span>
Now Go to catalog\view\javascript\common.js and find the addToCart function
Put below line
$('#item-count').html(json['item-count']); before this line $('#cart-total').html(json['total']);
Now Go to catalog\controller\checkout\cart.php and find the below code
$json['total'] = sprintf($this->language->get('text_items'), $this->cart->countProducts() + (isset($this->session->data['vouchers']) ? count($this->session->data['vouchers']) : 0), $this->currency->format($total));
After this code put this line
$json['item-count'] = $this->cart->countProducts();
Now Go to catalog\view\theme\your_theme\template\product\product.tpl and and find the below line
$('#cart-total').html(json['total']); and put below line just before it.
Thats it enjoy chandresh rana coding... :)